Chi-squared analysis on multiple sequence alignments with python
For a general chi-square analysis for an alignment it is calulated $$chi2 = sum[i from 1 to k] (O_i - E_i)^2 / E_i$$
where k is the size of the alphabet (e.g. 4 for DNA, 20 for amino acids) and the values 1 to k correspond uniquely to one of the nucleotides or amino acids. O_i is the nucleotide or amino acid frequency in the sequence tested. E_i is the nucleotide or amino acid frequency expected from the โmasterโ distribution (e.g. the overall frequencies - depends on what one is using).
Whether the nucleotide (or amino acid) composition deviates significantly for the โmasterโ distribution is done by testing the chi2 value using the chi2-distribution with k-1 degrees of freedom (df=3 for DNA or df=19 for amino acids).
Python functions
Loading multiple sequence alignment
Using the biopython AlignIO function, we can load in a multiple sequence alignment file of a variety of formats.
alignment_file = "path/to/alignment.fasta"
alignment =, "fasta")
Create composition matrix
import pandas as pd
def compositionMatrix(aln):
compDict = {}
fixedCharacters = ["-","A","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","K","L","M","N","P","Q","R","S","T","V","W","Y"]
for record in aln:
header =
seq = record.seq
currentSeqMat = [0]*21
for i in range(len(seq)):
aa = seq[i]
characterPos = fixedCharacters.index(aa)
currentSeqMat[characterPos]+= 1
print("ERROR:", header, "contains character ("+aa+") not in the list:",fixedCharacters)
compDict[header] = currentSeqMat
compDF = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(compDict, orient='index',
return compDF
run chi-squared analysis
from scipy import stats
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def chi2test(compDF):
seqTotals = compDF.sum(axis=1)
gaps = compDF["-"]
gapsPerSeq = gaps/seqTotals
nonGap = compDF.loc[:, 'A':'Y']
nonGapTotals = nonGap.sum().to_frame()
nonGapSeqTotals = nonGap.sum(axis=1).to_frame()
numCharacters = nonGapTotals.sum()
expectedFreq = nonGapTotals / numCharacters
expectedCountArray =,expectedFreq.transpose())
expectedCountDF = pd.DataFrame(expectedCountArray,columns =nonGap.columns, index =nonGap.index.values )
chi2DF = ((expectedCountDF - nonGap)**2)/expectedCountDF
chi2Sum = chi2DF.sum(axis=1)
pValueDf = 1 - stats.chi2.cdf(chi2Sum, 19)
outDF = pd.DataFrame({"Gap/Ambiguity":gapsPerSeq,"p-value":pValueDf})'header'
return outDF